Sunday, June 22, 2014

article: GM Recalls: How General Motors Silenced a Whistle-Blower

Please read also:
USA DOJ Announces Criminal Charge Against Toyota Motor Corporation

The same should happen for the Online Dating Industry.

I live in a South American country and I am really astonished to see how online daters in "1st World" countries are really victims of human experimentation. No actual online dating site  is "scientifically proven" because no one can prove its matching algorithm can match prospective partners who will have more stable and satisfying relationships -and very low divorce rates- than couples matched by chance, astrological destiny, personal preferences, searching on one's own, or other technique as the control group in a peer reviewed Scientific Paper for the majority (over 90%) of its members.

The Online Dating Industry is selling elixirs, tonics, snake oil liniments and other patent medicine and performing like the Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industry before the USA Food and Drug Administration was created where any player can make any claim without any credentials. 

Like eHarmony,  a 14 years old obsolete site and a HOAX based on a big scientific FRAUD, because the normative Big Five model to measure personality of daters had been proven/revealed as an incomplete and incorrect model to measure personality of daters. Now replaced by HEXACO test, a.k.a Big Six test.

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