Saturday, June 14, 2014

Silicon Valley needs to step outside Silicon Valley, article at Vator

Faith Merino from Vator had published the article "Silicon Valley needs to step outside Silicon Valley"

I see a tech space that is out of control.
There is a large dotcom bubble fueled by venture investment funds, investors who are dragging other investors to continue investing until they can sell shares of the company and recover leveraged money, but the last holder of shares is going to lose.
Many technology companies, without having a concrete business model (supposedly will generate revenue from advertising and premium subscription accounts) receive millions of dollars in funding to offer something free, acquiring fastly a large mass of captive users as if they had made them addicts, and then, the exit strategy (for investors) is to get someone to buy the company at a staggering figure, as did Blogger, Fotolog, MySpace, YouTube, Skype, Bebo and others. They are like continually inflating balloons and they need to find a buyer before they explode. If they can not find a private buyer for the entire company, the investors had the strategy of going public, to start trading its shares on the New York Stock Exchange, they turn those pieces of paper (shares) in real money, they get thousands of buyers purchasing lower small parts (shares).

What comes after the Social Networking wave?
The Next Big Investment Opportunity on the Internet will be .... Personalization!
Personality Based Recommender Systems and Strict Personality Based Compatibility Matching Engines for serious Online Dating with the normative 16PF5 personality test.

Personality Based Recommender Systems are the next generation of recommender systems because they perform far better than Behavioural ones (past actions and pattern of personal preferences)
That is the only way to improve recommender systems, to include the personality traits of their users. They need to calculate personality similarity between users but there are different formulas to calculate similarity. Recommender systems are morphing to .......... compatibility matching engines, as the same used in the Online Dating Industry since years, with low success rates until now because they mostly use the Big Five to assess personality and the Pearson correlation coefficient to calculate similarity.
The Big Five (Big 5, FFI, FFM, OCEAN model) normative personality test is obsolete. The HEXACO (a.k.a. Big Six) is another oversimplification. Online Dating sites have very big databases, in the range of 20,000,000 (twenty million) profiles, so the Big Five model or the HEXACO model are not enough for predictive purposes. That is why I suggest the 16PF5 test instead and another method to calculate similarity. I calculate similarity in personality patterns with (a proprietary) pattern recognition by correlation method. It takes into account the score and the trend to score of any pattern. Also it takes into account women under hormonal treatment because several studies showed contraceptive pills users make different mate choices, on average, compared to non-users. "Only short-term but not long-term partner preferences tend to vary with the menstrual cycle".
[Also some Psychologists began to encourage the use of other tests for the Online Dating Industry, like:
California Psychological Inventory (CPI)
The Millon Index of Personality Styles-Revised (MIPS Revised)

but my best recommendation is, of course, the 16PF5 normative personality test.
Nor the CPI nor the MIPS can outperform the 16PF5.]

If you want to be first in the "personalization arena" == Personality Based Recommender Systems, you should understand HOW TO INNOVATE in the ............ Online Dating Industry first of all!


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