Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Viola.AI was BIG hoax, fraud, big OVERPROMISE

They had the bad habit to call / to mistake AI to any silly recommender system that learns your preference.
DO NOT mistake "artificial intelligence" with a behavioural recommender system.


PROOF Viola.AI is/was BIG hoax, fraud, big OVERPROMISE

The key to long-lasting romance: COMPATIBILITY is exactly STRICT PERSONALITY SIMILARITY and not "meet other people with similar interests or political views".  
Online Dating sites have very big databases, in the range of 20,000,000 (twenty million) profiles, so the Big Five normative model or the HEXACO normative model are not enough for predictive purposes. That is why I suggest the normative 16PF6 test instead and another method to calculate similarity.

High precision in matching algorithms is precisely the key to open the door and leave the infancy of compatibility testing.

Without offering the NORMATIVE 16PF6 (or similar test measuring exactly the 16 personality factors) for serious dating, it will be impossible to innovate and revolutionize the Online Dating Industry

Thursday, June 25, 2020

NYP article about Married NJ couple charged in USD 6 Million online dating scam targeted 33 people


Your Identity Could Be Used in Online Dating Scams.

More about: Dating app maker Match sued by FTC for fraud

USA FTC sues Match for deception, unfair practices

Great coverage, big Tinder scam at frequent intervals.

Maddie again: MTCH group 2019 still does not check photos.

Please remember the case of Yuliana Avalos and Melissa Midwest former 2014 big lawsuit againts Match Group, third-party scammers in Africa or wherever were creating fake profiles and catfishing with them.
IAC and Match Group were essentially aware of that situation and did nothing to stop it.
The USA Court ruled that IAC and Match Group were not responsible.
Attorney Evan Spencer, said that despite the fact that anti-scammer technology is available, Match Group failed to use such things as face-recognition software – which would have discovered that Yuliana Avalos's pictures were being used hundreds of times.
Yuliana Avalos has argued in a former 2014 big lawsuit against Match that photos of her were posted without her permission on the site as part of a scam that drove a man to commit suicide.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Best Dating Apps for 2020 ???


Virtual dating on the rise as users seek lockdown love, says Match chief ???

Thesis: Three Theories of Love: Analysis of Online Dating

Thesis: Three Theories of Love: Analysis of Online Dating


THESIS Dating in the Digital Age

Virtual dating on the rise as users seek lockdown love, says Match chief ???

The key to long-lasting romance: COMPATIBILITY is exactly STRICT PERSONALITY SIMILARITY and not "meet other people with similar interests or political views".  
Online Dating sites have very big databases, in the range of 20,000,000 (twenty million) profiles, so the Big Five normative model or the HEXACO normative model are not enough for predictive purposes. That is why I suggest the normative 16PF6 test instead and another method to calculate similarity.

High precision in matching algorithms is precisely the key to open the door and leave the infancy of compatibility testing.

Without offering the NORMATIVE 16PF6 (or similar test measuring exactly the 16 personality factors) for serious dating, it will be impossible to innovate and revolutionize the Online Dating Industry

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Article about: How will dating change after coronavirus? Psychology offers some clues.


Lockdown dating now comes with a lot of new trends, from ‘zumping’ to ‘quarantionships’

article about Answers On The State Of Dating

The key to long-lasting romance: COMPATIBILITY is exactly STRICT PERSONALITY SIMILARITY and not "meet other people with similar interests or political views".  
Online Dating sites have very big databases, in the range of 20,000,000 (twenty million) profiles, so the Big Five normative model or the HEXACO normative model are not enough for predictive purposes. That is why I suggest the normative 16PF6 test instead and another method to calculate similarity.

High precision in matching algorithms is precisely the key to open the door and leave the infancy of compatibility testing.

Without offering the NORMATIVE 16PF6 (or similar test measuring exactly the 16 personality factors) for serious dating, it will be impossible to innovate and revolutionize the Online Dating Industry.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Tinder changed dating. Now, the 'second wave' is coming ?


PAPER: Tinder blue, mentalflu

article: Why Tinder won't find you love!

The key to long-lasting romance: COMPATIBILITY is exactly STRICT PERSONALITY SIMILARITY and not "meet other people with similar interests or political views".  

Online Dating sites have very big databases, in the range of 20,000,000 (twenty million) profiles, so the Big Five model or the HEXACO model are not enough for predictive purposes. That is why I suggest the 16PF6 test instead and another method to calculate similarity.

Breaking "the online dating sound barrier" is to achieve at least:
3 most compatible persons in a 100,000 persons database.
12 most compatible persons in a 1,000,000 persons database.
48 most compatible persons in a 10,000,000 persons database.
100 times better than Compatibility Matching Algorithms used by actual online dating sites!

High precision in matching algorithms is precisely the key to open the door and leave the infancy of compatibility testing.

Without offering the NORMATIVE 16PF6 (or similar test measuring exactly the 16 personality factors) for serious dating, it will be impossible to innovate and revolutionize the Online Dating Industry.