Saturday, February 15, 2014

More Juicy Information from Affinitas GmbH. balance report

I had to compile all that information to send to local police (Argentinean Federal Police, Cybercrimes division)
Please read before:
Affinitas GmbH. will launch in Canada and South Africa soon ?
BIG LOSSES from Rocket Internet clone empire
ZALANDO IPO? 7 fresh articles written 14 FEB 2014
PUBLIC balance Affinitas GmbH. fiscal year 2012 and others 


Financial statements for 2012 fiscal year:
Net loss for 2012, Euros 5.8 Million and net loss for 2011, Euros 9.2 Million
Revenue Euros 41 Million in 2012, and Revenue Euros 35 Million during 2011
The most important expense items are marketing costs to attract new customers. Essentially, it involves television and online marketing advertising.
Marketing Expenses were Euros 34.9 Million during 2012 and Euros 34 Million during 2011.
Personnel expenses: Euros 7,993,443.22
Euros 7,993,443.22 / 331 employees == Euros 24,149 average annual salary paid per employee.
The remuneration, including the employer's share of pension and social security for Management Team during 2012 amounted to Euros 377,774.24.
Balance was signed by Oliver Samwer from Rocket Internet GmbH.
Up to 31 Dec 2012, -5.851.971 Euros (Net loss = Jahresfehlbetrag)
Up to 31 Dec 2011, -9.223.494 Euros (Net loss)
Up to 31 Dec 2010, -13.607.040,22 Euros (Net loss)
Up to 31 Dec 2009, -6.347.373,25 Euros (Net loss)
Up to 31 Dec 2008, -82.399,41      Euros (Net loss)

They had been operating at a loss since 2008, since they were established!
My bet: they had operated at a loss last 2013 and still operates at a loss during 2014.
I also suspect no one of the cloned companies by Samwer Bros. are really profitable or sustainable for the next 5 years, to until 2019 at least; and as they will not be able to sell to the original company they had copycatted, as they failed to sell Affinitas GmbH. to eHarmony Inc. last March 2012 and as the Management Team can not innovate in nothing because they are not entrepreneurs, they will collapse. All cloned companies seem like bubbles.

Data obtained from:
then search for Affinitas
and open the file
Affinitas GmbH Berlin         
Jahresabschluss zum Geschäftsjahr vom 01.01.2012 bis zum 31.12.2012
(Financial statements for the financial year from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012, filed last 31 August 2013)
Año fiscal 2012

Información financiera de Affinitas GmbH. que opera en España el sitio de contactos personales denominado eDarling
eDarling es España ha sido reportado como una empresa de Internet con actividad fraudulenta según varias opiniones de usuarios en diferentes foros de opiniones, ver:

Management Report / content
1 Business and Operating Environment.
2 Overall Economic Development.
3 Competitive Situation.
4 Developments in the financial year.
5 Earnings.
6 Financial.
7 Asset Position.
8 Supplementary Report.
9 Outlook, opportunities and risks of future development.
10 Risk reporting on the use of financial instruments.

Net loss to 31 Dec 2012, -5.851.971 Euros
Pérdida operativa al 31 de Diciembre de 2012, Euros 5.851.971

Other balance sheets (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011), show they had been operating at a loss since 2008, since they were established!
Otras hojas de balance de los años 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 muestran que la empresa siempre operó con pérdidas desde que fue fundada en 2008.

"Die Affinitas GmbH konnte im Jahr 2012 ihren erfolgreichen Wachstumskurs fortsetzen und ihre Umsatzerlöse gegenüber dem Vorjahr von TEUR 35.325 auf TEUR 41.462 um 17 % steigern. Grund der positiven Umsatzentwicklung sind eine deutlich verbesserte Vermarktung der Dienstleistung in bestehenden Märkten sowie die Expansion in Nord- und Osteuropa und Südamerika."

means Revenue Euros 41 Million in 2012, and Revenue Euros 35 Million during 2011
significa que la recaudación fue de Euros 41 millones durante el 2012, y de Euros 35 millones durante el 2011

"Der Jahresfehlbetrag des aktuellen Geschäftsjahres beträgt TEUR 5.852 nach TEUR 9.223 im Vorjahr. Diese Ergebnissituation liegt darin begründet, dass die Affinitas weiterhin eine Expansionsstrategie verfolgt und sich viele der neuen Märkte noch in der Investitionsphase befinden. Das negative Ergebnis führte erneut zum Ausweis eines nicht durch Eigenkapital gedeckten Fehlbetrages in Höhe von TEUR 8.807 (Vorjahr TEUR 2.955). Wir verweisen auf die Ausführungen unter Abschnitt 7. "

Net loss for 2012, Euros 5.8 Million and net loss for 2011, Euros 9.2 Million
Pérdidas operativas de Euros 5.8 millones durante 2012 y de Euros 9.2 millones para el año fiscal 2011.

The development of the ShopAMan portal had a cost of Euros 612 thousand.
El desarrollo del portal ShopAMan tuvo un costo de Euros 612 mil.

The most important expense items are marketing costs to attract new customers. Essentially, it involves television and online marketing advertising.
Los gastos más importantes son los costos de marketing que involucran avisos de televisión y publicidad online.
Marketing Expenses were Euros 34.9 Million during 2012 and Euros 34 Million during 2011.
Los gastos de marketing fueron de Euros 34.9 millones durante 2012 y Euros 34 millones durante 2011.

At the balance sheet date, Affinitas GmbH. employs 331 employees (264 in the previous year).
Al momento de presentar la hoja de balance del 2012, Affinitas GmbH. emplea 331 personas (264 durante 2011)

Personnel expenses: Euros 7,993,443.22

Gastos de salarios y quincenas del personal empleado incluyendo cargas sociales: Euros 7,993,443.22

Euros 7,993,443.22 / 331 employees == Euros 24,149 average annual salary paid per employee.
The remuneration, including the employer's share of pension and social security for Management Team during 2012 amounted to Euros 377,774.24.

Auditor's Fees: The fee for the annual audit of 33,000 EUR (previous year: 35,000 EUR ) .

Balance was signed by Oliver Samwer from Rocket Internet GmbH.
Ernst & Young GmbH
Auditing company
The adoption and approval of the financial statements was made on 31.8.2013.

The balance also says:

"Das psychologische Persönlichkeitsprofil von eDarling basiert auf dem Modell der "Big Five Personality Traits" ("Fünf Hauptdimensionen der Persönlichkeit" bzw. "Fünf-Faktoren Modell"), einem Modell, das in den 1990er Jahren zu einem der wichtigsten und bekanntesten Konzepte der modernen Persönlichkeitspsychologie wurde. Auf Basis der Faktoren-Ausprägungen zweier Nutzer lassen sich potenzielle Partner mit besonders guten Aussichten auf langfristigen Beziehungserfolg ermitteln. Solche Partner werden dann, wenn auch über die demografischen Daten und die ermittelten Präferenzen eine hohe Beziehungskompatibilität möglich ist, einander vorgeschlagen. "

translated as (using Google Translate)

"The psychological personality profile of eDarling based on the model of the "Big Five Personality Traits" ( "five main dimensions of personality " or " Five Factor Model " ), a model that in the 1990s one of the most important and well-known concepts of modern personality psychology was . Based on the factors - characteristics of two users, potential partners can identify with particularly good prospects for long-term relationship success. Such partners are when using the demographic data and the determined preferences a high relationship compatibility is possible, suggested another.

Please remember:
The Big Five normative test had been proven/revealed as an incomplete and incorrect model to assess/measure personality of persons. Now replaced by HEXACO or Big Six test.
".. the Big Five's Agreeableness and HEXACO's Agreeableness are not identical. The Big Five factors do not include an Honesty-Humility factor, but some of the characteristics belonging to Honesty-Humility are incorporated into the Big Five's Agreeableness factor. Although earlier investigations found only the Big Five factors, more recent studies conducted in various languages (including English) with larger sets of adjectives recovered six factors. "

I think, legally, online dating sites using the Big Five model of personality could be considered a FRAUD because they are using an incomplete model of personality. They are assessing 5 scales and not 6 scales.

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