Saturday, October 10, 2020

PAPER: A Recommender System based on the analysis of personality traits in Telegram social network


Thursday, October 21, 2010
The NEW era of Personality Based Recommender Systems

Sunday, August 30, 2020
PAPER: The Homophily Principle in Social Network Analysis

The key to long-lasting romance: COMPATIBILITY is exactly STRICT PERSONALITY SIMILARITY and not "meet other people with similar interests or political views".  

Which is the RIGHT approach to innovate in the Personality Based Recommender Systems Arena? 
The same approach to innovate in the Online Dating Industry == 16PF6 test or similar to assess personality traits and a new method to calculate similarity between quantized patterns.

Online Dating sites have very big databases, in the range of 20,000,000 (twenty million) profiles, so the Big Five model or the HEXACO model are not enough for predictive purposes. That is why I suggest the 16PF6 test instead and another method to calculate similarity.

Breaking "the online dating sound barrier" is to achieve at least:
3 most compatible persons in a 100,000 persons database.
12 most compatible persons in a 1,000,000 persons database.
48 most compatible persons in a 10,000,000 persons database.
100 times better than Compatibility Matching Algorithms used by actual online dating sites!

High precision in matching algorithms is precisely the key to open the door and leave the infancy of compatibility testing.

Without offering the NORMATIVE 16PF6 (or similar test measuring exactly the 16 personality factors) for serious dating, it will be impossible to innovate and revolutionize the Online Dating Industry. 



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