"Huntcha is confidential. No one will know what you're doing on Huntcha, your profile and candidates list is private information. Huntcha works through Facebook, because it's the best way to prevent identity theft. First, create a list with the people you like. You can modify your list as many times as you want, but with a maximum of 9 people. If someone on your list also adds you on theirs, it's a match! Huntcha will inform just the two of you that you like each other. Once a match is made, a message window will be available for you to make contact."
Huntcha claims 20,000 users, but Alexa does not register traffic.

The owners had invested 50 Million Chilean Pesos -CLP- (almost USD 95,374) to launch that application in several languages. I do not know how they are going to earn money.
Remember what I had been saying since several years ago:
Social networking/applications could merge with online dating for fun, for flirting, for entertainment purposes, for instant gratification.
Social networking and online dating for serious daters are like water and oil, they will never mix.
Online Dating for serious daters does not need to be more social, it needs to be more effective/efficient. It needs to reduce the false positives problem.
More at "Facebook users average 4.74 degrees of separation"